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It’s a long way to the top if you want to Rock ‘n Roll. That line from the AC/DC classic, “It’s a Long Way to the Top,” rings true for many legendary rock and metal bands who have persevered and overcome years of adversity to accomplish world-wide recognition. Writing good music is just one part of being successful. As difficult as that can be, creating and adhering to a sound marketing and business strategy is an equally important component to a musician’s success. Those very different challenges must be accounted for in a musician’s vision if they are to have a remote shot of making a living as a songwriter. The clearer the vision, the clearer the path to be taken, although vision and marketing alone don’t guarantee a successful journey. A myriad of intangibles must also come into play at exactly the right times. The few uncompromising musicians who pride themselves on the integrity of their craft can surely plan to encounter a path less traveled and sewn with more mountains and valleys than the road clogged with chameleons sacrificing their visions to cash in on the current fads. For two decades, Jon Schaffer and his vehicle, ICED EARTH, have taken the long, high road of non-compromise to reach the rarified air breathed by those few who enjoy lasting commercial success writing and performing music in the Heavy Metal genre.

by the courtesy of BJF MEDIA
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